Mayor of Makhado Municipality, Cllr Mavhungu Luruli is confident that with their own turnaround strategies Council will be able to deliver.

Mayor says this time they´ll make it work

News - Date: 10 June 2011


Ready for her second term as Mayor of Makhado Municipality, Cllr Mavhungu Luruli is confident that with their own turnaround strategies, Council will be able to deliver.

“The election has come and gone. Now it is up to us as a collective Council with all the parties that are there and the administration to make sure we do the best we can in terms of the election manifesto issues that we raised,” Luruli said.

In areas of service delivery, the issue of water is close to the Mayor’s heart. “We will continue to engage with Vhembe to make sure that the plans that we have, get to be done. The province has budgeted good money for us, through Vhembe, for water ...” Luruli said.

Luruli was grateful towards the residents of all the wards of the local municipality who came forward to vote on May 18. In the municipality’s 38 wards a total of 218 703 voters went to the polling stations constituting a 48.7% voter turnout.

The ANC lost two of its wards, Ward 21 to the Democratic Alliance and Ward 5 to an independent candidate. The mayor said that she had no specific plans for the wards that the ANC had lost or nearly lost in the past municipal election “The Makhado Municipality has 38 wards and I want to state the joint attitude that we have towards all 38 wards. There is no super ward and there is no small ward, all need to be respected equally.” The Mayor expressed her respect for individual councillors and their opinions, but referred to the Integrated Development Plan that contains the matters that are going to be addressed.

The Mayor would like to improve on communication with the community. “We believe that positive attitude and positive engagement could do us both as a community and an institution very well. We would like to hear the views of the community through the office of the spokesperson and our suggestion box. It does not have to be through the newspapers only,” Cllr Luruli said.

On the new Council, Luruli remarked that quite a number of old councillors are back. “Plus minus 30% of the old faces are back, and there are some new faces …” Cllr Luruli said.

The ward councillors are Cllrs Julia Mukhaha (Ward 1), Adolph Hlungwani (Ward 2), Phineas Mathoma (Ward 3), Edward Ndou (Ward 4), Patrick Mazibuko (Ward 5), Martha Rekhotso (Ward 6), Sarah Makhuvha (Ward 7), Francinah Madavhu (Ward 8), Gideon Tshavhuyo (Ward 9), Daniel Mabunda (Ward 10), Richard Chauke (Ward 11), Selina Tshilambyana (Ward 12), Ruth Makhubela (Ward 13), Simon Mthombeni (Ward 14), Elizabeth Mudau (Ward 15), Betty Mogale (Ward 16), Albert Maphahla (Ward 17), Sylvia Machethe (Ward 18), Cedric Mamafha (Ward 19), Vincent Mahladisa (Ward 20), Abraham du Plooy (Ward 21), David Davhana (Ward 22), Selinah Mamatsiari (Ward 23), Selina Gundula (Ward 24), Patricia Rasimphi (Ward 25), Ndwakhulu Kutama (Ward 26), Mavis Matodzi (Ward 27), Alpheus Mmbadi (Ward 28), Samuel Munyai (Ward 29), Nehemia Madzhiga (Ward 30), Richard Thandavhathu (Ward 31), Rachel Malange (Ward 32), Margaret Mathalise (Ward 33), Gloria Nemafhohoni (Ward 34), John Mamafha (Ward 35), Robert Magada (Ward 36), Frank Chililo (Ward 37) en Leah Maphaha (Ward 38).

The PR Councillors are Brighton Hlongwane (ACDP), Percyval Balibali (COPE), Thomas Ndwammbi (COPE), Edward Malima (COPE), Kenneth Maboho (DA), Annette Kennealy (DA), Zaheera Jooma (DA), Jeremiah Mahwai (DA), Hildah Ludere (PAC), and ANC councillors Jerry Dzhombe, Grace Nkanyane (Machovani), Joseph Rikhotso, Maureen Lerule, Percy Mashimbye, Mildred Sinyosi, Bernard Bopape, Dorcus Mboyi, Ndweleni Dagada, Maria Malange, Steven Ravele, Dzawele Thilwinavho, David Mulovhedzi, Jeaneth Mathumba, Elvis Lebea, Elizabeth Ngobeni, Richard Baloyi, Francinah Mukhari, David Mutavhatsindi, Janet Shandukani, Rudzani Ludere, Jane Gabara, Albert Makhanda, Portia Mamorobela, Freeman Mathavha, Sephaphane Maphala, Jacoba Underwood, and Mohamed Omar Ahmed.

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Linda van der Westhuizen

Linda van der Westhuizen has been with Zoutnet since 2001. She has a heart for God, people and their stories. Linda believes that every person is unique and has a special story to tell. It follows logically that human interest stories is her speciality. Linda finds working with people and their leaders in the economic, educational, spiritual and political arena very rewarding. “I have a special interest in what God is doing in our town, province and nation and what He wants us to become,” says Linda.
