Dr Lufuluvhi Mudimeli delivered a hopeful message at UNIVEN's commemoration event last week for the students, staff and relatives who had passed away because of Covid-19. Picture: UNIVEN.

Univen honours those who became victims of Covid-19

News - Date: 04 November 2021


“We are a nation that is in tears due to the loss of our loved ones. It is okay to cry, as long as, at the end, you will feel better.”

These were the words from a sermon delivered by Dr Lufuluvhi Mudimeli of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Venda (UNIVEN) during the university’s commemoration event to remember staff, students and relatives who had died from Covid-19.

The event was held in the university’s auditorium and virtually broadcast on the university’s YouTube channel on Monday, 18 October. 

UNIVEN could not hold memorial services in honour of the deceased because of the country’s national lockdown restrictions. According to the university’s records, at least 29 lives had so far been lost to the pandemic. This number comprises 11 staff members and 18 students. 

UNIVEN Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Bernard Nthambeleni delivered a message of condolence, pointing out how the pandemic had brought about unprecedented disruptions, anxieties and calamities that had significantly impacted lives and livelihoods across the board.

“This day marks a very important dispensation in our history as the UNIVEN family,” Nthambeleni said. “The year 2020 was like no other in the history of the university. We too had to face this faceless, merciless enemy that continues to cause such distress in our communities.” 

Nthambeleni said that every life lost during the pandemic formed part of a tragedy, and that the university had resolved that the departed colleagues and students be remembered now and always. “We will never forget them,” he said. “Let us continue to observe and adhere to the Covid-19 protocols. Government has rolled out a mandatory vaccine, and I encourage each of you to consider taking the vaccine if you have not yet done so. Vaccines have virtually eliminated devastating and cruel illnesses like polio, smallpox, measles, and other serious respiratory-tract infections like pneumococcal disease, and proven scientifically that they do save lives.”

Dr Thambatshira Tannie Rabothata represented the bereaved families. “Our confidence has been shaken, not knowing who might be next, but the university, through this commemoration event, gives us hope that this too shall pass,” she said.


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Tshifhiwa Mukwevho

Tshifhiwa Given Mukwevho was born in 1984 in Madombidzha village, not far from Louis Trichardt in the Limpopo Province. After submitting articles for roughly a year for Limpopo Mirror's youth supplement, Makoya, he started writing for the main newspaper. He is a prolific writer who published his first book, titled A Traumatic Revenge in 2011. It focusses on life on the street and how to survive amidst poverty. His second book titled The Violent Gestures of Life was published in 2014.

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