The happy principal of Ratshilumela Secondary School, Ms Rejoice Dangale, whose Grade 12 class of 2022 attained a 100% pass rate. Photo supplied.

Ratshilumela Secondary produces 100% pass rate

News - Date: 26 January 2023


As the 2022 Grade 12 results are being celebrated in Limpopo, a relatively rural and little-known school has surpassed even the traditionally high performing schools by obtaining a 100% pass rate.

Founded in 1981, Ratshilumela Secondary School at Tshixwadza village in the Mutale area has re-written the school’s history books by producing the first class to obtain a 100% pass rate. On top of this, the school is the only one in the Vhembe East District to have achieved a 100% pass rate in the 2022 results.

From the 28 learners who sat for the exams, 18 learners achieved university exemption, with four scoring high enough to study for a diploma.

On Friday, 20 January, the school was a hive of activity when ecstatic learners received their results. The whole village took to the streets and formed a guard of honour for school principal Ms Rejoice Dangale, who received a hero’s welcome when she arrived with the results from the local circuit office.

The local traditional leader, Vhamusanda Vho-Ntendeleni Siaga, joined in the excitement. “We are over the moon. This has never happened before in our school, and we thank the principal, teachers and all other stakeholders who made this possible. Our village has been put on the national map,” he said.

Dangale attributed their success to teamwork. “We are a deep-rural school with very limited resources, but we have worked ourselves up against all the odds to become one of the best schools in the area. We have brought the school back to the community, where we involve all our stakeholders in the education of our children. I will not be doing justice if I do not thank my circuit manager, who has been very supportive, businessman Mr Rudzani Rambuwani, who is supporting the school from his pocket, our SGB that has been very supportive too and the educators who worked day and night to ensure the best results,” she said.


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Elmon Tshikhudo

Elmon Tshikhudo started off as a photographer. He developed an interest in writing and started submitting articles to local as well as national publications. He became part of the Limpopo Mirror family in 2005 and was a permanent part of the news team until 2019. He currently writes on a freelance basis, covering human rights issues, court news and entertainment.
