A sobbing Livhuwani Madadzhe pleaded with the court on Monday to release him to go and bury his wife. Photo: Elmon Tshikhudo.

Did he do it?

News - Date: 03 February 2023


By Maanda Bele and Elmon Tshikhudo

The news of Lindelani Nengovhela’s death spread like the proverbial wildfire through Vhembe and the rest of the country on Saturday morning: “Did you hear? SABC Livhu’s wife was found dead in a ditch this morning …”

Even though the news of the death of the 32-year-old Mia Muofhe (as she was better known in social-media circles) came as a shock, many did not find this totally unexpected. The couple had had a tumultuous relationship, with frequent allegations that the controversial comedian had assaulted and abused her.

She was the wife (or girlfriend, because many believe they were never truly married) of Livhuwani Madadzhe (38). He became known for his comedy sketches and ran several very successful social-media pages. One of these, Captain SABC Livhu Online TV, amassed more than 127 000 followers on Facebook.

But Livhu also made the headlines for the wrong reasons. As far back as November 2020, he had to spend a weekend in jail for driving with illegal flashing lights on his car and not stopping when confronted by law enforcers. Prior to that, he was accused of faking his own mother’s death and even erecting a tombstone for her.

In August 2021, however, he earned the wrath of gender-based activists when his wife resorted to social media to expose his abusive behaviour. She alleged that Livhu had beaten her up “like a snake found in a house”. After this outburst, the dust seemingly settled, and the couple continued the relationship, with Livhu trying hard to portray himself as a big benefactor, helping homeless people to obtain houses and doing philanthropic work.

In November last year, Lindelani pressed charges and Madadzhe was arrested. He spent the night in jail but was released again while the case proceeded.

Early in January this year, Limpopo Mirror contacted Livhu to follow up on a story that he had posted on social media. He explained to the reporter how he was the target of jealous people and he ascribed many of the bad things that had happened to him (such as a snake being found inside his home) as the result of this envy. When Livhu was asked about the assault case, he said the charges will be dropped as they (he and Lindelani) had reconciled.

On Friday, 27 January, the couple arrived at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court. The National Prosecuting Authority’s spokesperson in Limpopo, Ms Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi, explained that Lindelani had approached the prosecution, requesting that the case be dealt with through a mediation process.

A seemingly very happy couple left the court rooms later that day, ready to “celebrate” the end of this chapter. Livhu posted photos of the two in celebratory mood, alongside pictures of liquor, indicating that a huge party was at hand.

The next morning, Lindelani was dead, her body lying in a water-filled ditch next to the couple’s house at Mangondi Sidou, outside Thohoyandou. Livhu reported the matter to the police and escorted them to his home.

Once news broke about the death of Mia Muofhe, the tongues were aflutter, with little sympathy for the comedian. His reputation and the history of what had happened previously counted against him, and he was immediately assumed to be the main suspect.

On Saturday afternoon, the police issued a press release stating that a 38-year-old man had been arrested in connection with the death of Lindelani Nengovhela. No one had any difficulty deducting that Madadzhe was the one arrested.

On Monday morning, Madadzhe cut a lone figure in the dock at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court. Crying uncontrollably, he pleaded with the court to release him, so that he could go and prepare to bury his wife. The case was postponed to the next day for him to have his legal representative at his side.

When he appeared on Tuesday, Madadzhe was much more subdued. His lawyer, Advocate Ntsako Hlungwani, spoke on his behalf and indicated that he was abandoning his bail bid. The case was postponed to 23 February and Madadzhe remains in custody.

Lindelani Nengovhela will be laid to rest at Vondo La Thavha, pending the finalisation of the autopsy.


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