The extent of the damage to the newly installed electrical infrastructure in the area south of Pretorius Street in Louis Trichardt is shocking. Millions of rands have already been spent in this area as part of the establishment of 700 new erven. Photos supplied.

Total destruction of new municipal infrastructure shocking

News - Date: 01 August 2024


The scale of the damage to municipal infrastructure in the area currently being developed for 700 new erven south of Pretorius Street in Louis Trichardt is unfathomable. This past week, it came to light that almost all electrical infrastructure, including transformers and copper cables, has been stripped or stolen across the entire extent of the project.

"The photos do not do the extent of the damage justice!" said Mr Jan van Rooyen of Big Five Security. Spotting what he thought was smoke from an out-of-control veld fire on Tuesday, he drove to the area. What he found was shocking!

Van Rooyen said that as far as the eye could see, stripped copper cables littered the area. "What amazed me is that some of the newly laid underground cables were not even covered," said Van Rooyen. In addition, almost all the newly installed transformers were either stripped or severely damaged. "The extent of the damage is unbelievable! Tons of copper are gone. Whoever was responsible for this will never have to work again," said Van Rooyen, referring to the money the thieves and vandals will make from the sale of their ill-gotten goods.

As photos of the plundered area started to spread on social media, residents were outraged.

"The recent theft of electrical infrastructure south of the Pretorius Street area is deeply concerning and highlights significant issues with security and community welfare. The stolen equipment not only represents a loss of resources but also poses risks to public safety and development efforts. An assessment has been done and the report has been given to the municipal manager. What the next step is, I’m not sure. However, millions of taxpayers' money have been spent to install this infrastructure, and now millions will have to be spent again to repair what was damaged," said local Democratic Alliance ward councillor Pierre Smalle.

Smalle said that electrical infrastructure played a crucial role in supporting economic growth and improving living standards. He said that such theft not only disrupted ongoing projects but also undermined efforts to expand access to reliable electricity, which was essential for local businesses and residents alike.

"Authorities, along with the municipality, must take immediate action to address this issue, including enhancing security measures and investigating the theft thoroughly. Additionally, community awareness and cooperation are vital in preventing such incidents in the future," said Smalle.

Makhado police spokesperson Sergeant Irene Radzilane confirmed that the theft and damage were reported and the cases were currently being investigated. Questions about the extent of the damage were also sent to the Makhado Municipality. Municipal spokesperson Mr Louis Bobodi confirmed receipt and indicated that the media enquiry had been forwarded to the relevant department. At the time of our going to press, no response had been received.


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Andries van Zyl

Andries joined the Zoutpansberger and Limpopo Mirror in April 1993 as a darkroom assistant. Within a couple of months he moved over to the production side of the newspaper and eventually doubled as a reporter. In 1995 he left the newspaper group and travelled overseas for a couple of months. In 1996, Andries rejoined the Zoutpansberger as a reporter. In August 2002, he was appointed as News Editor of the Zoutpansberger, a position he holds until today.

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