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Traditional healer shoots wife, kills himself

News: 26 May 2006 By Wilson Dzebu
Barely two hours after the Limpopo’s MEC for Safety, Security and Liaison, Machwene Semenya, addressed a crime-prevention rally on Friday at Makonde village, a famous traditional healer of Khubvi, a village near Makonde, shot and killed his wife and later committed suicide.

Donation brings relief for rural school

News: 07 April 2006 By Wilson Dzebu
A poor rural school that has never owned a soccer kit since its establishment 18 years ago, got a new lease on life when a good Samaritan donated a soccer kit worth R2 900 on Friday. Learners of Ndidivhani Primary School in Matangari village, used to take off the upper parts of their outfits and wear nothing, since they had no unifrom of their own.

New twist is "ritual murder" case

News: 07 April 2006 By Wilson Dzebu
The alleged ritual murder case at Dzimauli took another turn, when family members and villagers rejected the outcome of the post mortem conducted on the body of the late Phophi Munyai (72) by the state pathologist. The alleged ritual murder victim’s burnt body was discovered in a small room at Tshibvumo village last week.

New building to honour the young Mulweli

News: 31 March 2006 By Wilson Dzebu
An administration block to the value of R50 000 in honour of the late Mulweli Nemdandila (7) will be built at Manamani Primary School, where the deceased was a learner.

Manyuha led Mutale Municipality with honour

News: 24 March 2006
It has been a difficult and winding road of success for a poor little rural boy who defied all the odds to rise despite the scourge of poverty. Lucas Manyuha leads one of the poorest municipalities in the country, but he has succeeded in putting the little municipality on the map, despite limited resources.

Seven victims of inferno buried

News: 17 February 2006 By Frank Mavhungu
Thousands of mourners from all walks of life gathered at the Mashau village on Sunday to pay their last respects to the seven fire victims whose bodies were burnt beyond recognition when the house in which they were sleeping was set alight two weeks ago.

Kremetart Race's future not in the balance, says cycling club

Sport: 17 February 2006 By Andries van Zyl
The decision by the organizers of the annual Kremetart One Day Stage Race, the P&L Hardware Cycling Club, not to apply for dates on the Gauteng North Cycling (GNC) 2006 calendar is said to threaten the survival of the race. The club, however, says their decision will have no negative effect on the race.

Remembering the war's unsung heroes

News: 10 February 2006 By Linda van der Westhuizen
After more than 100 years, military life in the area has ended to a great extent with the termination of the commandos. Civilian life, however, continues and expands.



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