The “Venda Vhaya Viya” series, based in Elim, offers viewers an engaging exploration that confronts stereotypes and addresses important societal issues. In the photo are (front row, from left to right): Tshililo Muleya (“Thinandavha”), Junior Mudau (writer, editor, director, producer), Zwivhuya Ngobeni (“punisher”), Zwoitwa Livingstone Nesidoni (“Zoro”), and other actors in the background. Photo: Thembi Siaga.

Episode 2 of 'Venda Vhaya Viya' strives to dispel stereotypes

Entertainment - Date: 12 April 2024


A local movie series based in Elim, titled “Venda Vhaya Viya” (At Venda they kill), takes viewers on a captivating journey that challenges misconceptions and sheds light on societal issues. With the release of Episode 2 on Friday, 5 April, the series delves into the myth that Venda-speaking people are solely responsible for killings in Limpopo.

“Venda Vhaya Viya” aims to debunk these kinds of stereotypes, highlighting the complexity of societal issues and the diverse range of individuals involved in such killings. The second episode follows last year’s release, which garnered exceptional views and prompted the creation of a sequel.

Producer, writer, and director Junior Mudau explained that the series features three main characters: Zwivhuya Ngobeni as “The Punisher,” Zwoitwa Nesidoni as “Zoro,” and Tshililo Muleya as “Thinandavha.” In the series, the suspected killers, who are in prison at the start, are released by a Zulu-speaking person who aims to frame them.

Mudau said that the series aimed to tell the Venda community’s side of the story and dispel myths propagated by other groups. “Through compelling storytelling, the series challenges the notion that cultural background alone determines one’s propensity for violence. We wanted to tell our story in our own way as many stories or movies often misrepresent us,” he said.

Mudau said that they faced financial challenges and also lacked equipment. “We also want to give opportunities to upcoming actors, because most of them only get such opportunities when they are in Johannesburg,” he said. He added that they wanted to encourage their viewers to stop the killings and aim to see a change in South Africa.

“What we want is for the young and the old to be safe from being killed. By addressing sensitive topics with empathy and authenticity, ‘Venda Vhaya Viya’ Episode 2 serves as a catalyst for change, encouraging viewers to challenge stereotypes and embrace diversity,” he said.


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Thembi Siaga

Thembi Siaga started as an intern during 2021. He assisted with video photography and editing. He also produced numerous small documentaries, focusing on the Vhembe region and its people. Currently he works as a freelance journalist, covering stories in the Elim area.

Thembi studied at the Tshwane University of Technology, where he completed his diploma in Journalism in 2021.
