Solly Mapaila represented the tripartite alliance at the commemoration. Photo supplied. 

Mutale River MK heroes honoured

News in brief - Date: 09 April 2022


The fallen and surviving heroes of the “Battle of Mutale” were honoured during a special first commemoration function that was held at Mutale River last week.

The commemoration was organised by the South African Military Veteran Association’s coordinating committee in honour of MK members who participated in the skirmishes at Mutale River that took place on March 28, 1988, at Ha-Mutele village.

Nine young MK members who were tasked to infiltrate the rural areas of the former Venda homeland crossed from Zimbabwe into South Africa on March 25. On the morning of March 28, a fierce two-day shoot-out commenced between the then Venda Defence Force members and nine MK members at Mutale River.

The VDF called for reinforcement from the South African Defence Force and helicopters were deployed. It resulted in the death of five of the nine MK members.

“We were united, determined and hungry for action to liberate our people, and fear for death did not arise to us,” said James Sekgale, one of the survivors.

The skirmishes at Mutale constitute one of many heroic battles that MK fought against the apartheid forces during its 60-year history. These include the sabotage campaign of 1961-1964; the joint MK/ZIPRA Wankie/Sipolilo campaign of 1967/68; the Sasol bombing of 1980; the artillery attack on Voortrekkerhoogte as well as attacks on police stations.

The three MK combatants who fought and survived, Duma Mlambo, James Sekgale and Thabo Dube, attended the ceremony.

The committee spokesperson, Lebogang Mothapa, said that the commemoration of this battle was befitting to honour the young people who voluntarily joined the military wing of the ANC to free the people of South Africa.

In his message of support, Solly Mapaila, representing the tripartite alliance, said that “these young men were not hired assassins. They were not a gang of tsotsis. They had no expectations of material gains, but freedom of our people was in their hearts. Some of them sacrificed their youthful bodies to cushion the everlasting bed, all in the name of freedom,” said Mapaila.

The commemoration ceremony was quite an emotional one for everyone present, especially for the three surviving heroes of MK, who visited the site for the first time after 34 years.

Representing the families, Mama Nkabinde, who is the mother of one of the combatants, thanked the ANC, MK and the people of Limpopo for affording them an opportunity to come and pay their last respects. “The commemorations are going to be an annual event as we honour the heroic deeds of our heroes,” said Mothapa. 


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