On Friday, residents of Bungeni village witnessed the unveiling of the rehabilitated grave of the late Chief Surprise Bungeni. In the photo, standing from left to right, are Pastor Doreen Rivombo from the Ndzalama Trinity Church, acting mayor of Makhado Local Municipality Ruth Makhubele, Deputy Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Ms Nocawe Mafu, Hosi Given Bungeni, Executive Mayor of Vhembe District Municipality Frida Nkondo, and her Speaker, Dowelani Nenguda. Photo: Khalanga Production.

Special tribute to late Chief Bungeni

News in brief - Date: 17 December 2023


On Friday, 8 December, the residents of Bungeni village witnessed the unveiling of the rehabilitated grave of the late Chief Surprise Bungeni. The presence of the Deputy Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture, Ms Nocawe Mafu, added a touch of prestige to the occasion. The ceremony attracted thousands of villagers, including various dignitaries from across South Africa.

Among the dignitaries were the executive mayor of Vhembe District Municipality, Fridah Nkondo, her Speaker, Dowelani Nenguda, Director of Cogta (National) Mr Sello Moraswi Molepo, and the deputy chairperson of the Vhembe Local House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, Thovhele Mulima.

Nkondo committed to constructing a palisade fence to protect the entire area, solidifying its status as a heritage site and a potential tourist attraction.

Mafu, who paid her third visit to Bungeni village, not only honoured the historic occasion but also reaffirmed her commitment to the community. Her promise of a multi-purpose sports centre and a library signified her dedication to uplifting the village’s cultural and educational landscape.

She said the memorial project sought to honour the late Chief Bungeni, who had played a significant role in the history and culture of the community of Bungeni. The initiative follows the ministerial visit to Bungeni in September 2022.

“During the engagement with the Bungeni Royal Council and the community, I committed to addressing the concerning state of the late Chief Bungeni’s gravesite, among other identified issues. The need to develop the Bungeni community, promote tourism and, most significantly, the memorialisation and recognition of heritage sites, were among the key areas of immediate concern,” she said.

Hosi Given Bungeni explained how the event would contribute to the cultural and traditional heritage of Bungeni village and the broader Limpopo Province. “The event will attract tourists, and it is going to be a heritage site. We are who we are because he fought for us to be in this village 200 years ago. At the same time, we show off our traditional dance group, known as muchongolo or xigubu, and demonstrate that we are the custodians and founders of Xugubu ka Bungeni,” he said.

Hosi Given Bungeni, who is the current chief, stands as the fifth in the line of esteemed leaders.


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Thembi Siaga

Thembi Siaga started as an intern during 2021. He assisted with video photography and editing. He also produced numerous small documentaries, focusing on the Vhembe region and its people. Currently he works as a freelance journalist, covering stories in the Elim area.

Thembi studied at the Tshwane University of Technology, where he completed his diploma in Journalism in 2021.
